The Conakry - Cowboys

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hello? Is there anybody in there?


There is ...
It took a while, but we are back with more!
Last week we had a lot of problems with the electricity. Meaning, there was none ...
The trafo that provided current for the hospital caught fire somehow,
but it seems they replaced it with a new one (finally)!
The negotiations with the internet provider Merinet also seems to pay off now.
Today they are sending someone to provide us with enough cable to connect the IT-center to the internet.
It will really become a ICT-center (notice the C in ICT :p)!

And here are the pictures:

We had the chance to be present at a chirurgical operation here in the hospital.
Sadly enough the electricity was cut off at the beginning ...

No electrical power ... so time for some human power.
The IT-center got some curtains :-)

A wedding we were at, but not for long.
The music was really (too) loud and some people kept asking for money ...

The Dr. surprised his wife with a little birthday party and presants.
One of the presants was a cellular phone! Now she can call you Luce!

(Notice the advertisement on the rear window. It's for a dance club in Wester-Flanders :p)

What does a engineer in informatics do when there is no electrical current?

A crab passed the house one day :-)

During the day the traffic in Conakry is really dangerous. At night it's a 1000 times worse ...
You really can't see anything. There are no street lights and everyone uses their lights for far sight, so you're blinded when you get near them. But ... we survived.

A nice bar at the beach where they serve pizzas.

Sunday we went to the same beach with the Dr. and (some of) his kids.

After the trip to the beach we bought a crate of cola for everyone.

Together with Jean Baptiste we visited "Dream Center", a center that provides aid against aids and HIV. It's finanaced and runned by an Italian association called "Community of Sant'Egidio".
They have centers like this one all around the world. There goal is to provide free aid for infected people who can't pay for proper treatment. They even provide food for people who can't provide for themselves.
What they don't do though, is distribute condoms ... I wonder why.

They use a very up to date computer system for the administration of there visitors.
It uses the internet to connect to other centers around the world.

Tomorrow we are leaving Conakry for Kisidougou about 700km from here, so this will probably be our last post. We'll try to post one more before we return home, but we can't promise anything.

See you all later!
And ... good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite (like the one above :-p)!

Monday, July 17, 2006


And we are back with some more news from Guinee!

Last week we had a lot of problems with the IT-center, because of the water.
That's why we didn't have much to tell. But now we have!
This weekend we didn't go to one of the islands, because the doctor was to busy with the preparations for a sacrifice ceremony in honour of his deceased sister in law.
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Carpooling :-)

Water problems. (Note: the building is only 8 years old)

The Benz of the Dr. had some troubles on the way back from Donka.
The next day it was good as new :-)

The Dr.'s son and his father at the car workshop.


The meat from the slaughtered bull is cut into peaces and put into bags.
These bags where later on distributed among the family during the ceremony.

Meat doesn't get more fresh than this.

The family.

Preperations for the ceremony.

Yes, this is (was) a Volvo and yes, it works!

More preperations.

The Dr.'s father and his father's brother.

Us :-p



Et voila!
That's it for now.
We hope to see you again soon!